2024 Sundar Shadi Holiday Display
Happy 75th Anniversary to the Sundar Shadi Display! Mr. Shadi first placed a star on the hillside next to his home on the Arlington in 1949. We are honored to bring a fully-restored display back for the community to enjoy!
The Shadi Holiday Display will be open to visitors December 14th through the 26th, 2024. There will be lights and music nightly from 5 to 9 pm; 10 pm on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
Opening Ceremony! Please join us on Saturday, December 14th at 5 pm for a special opening ceremony to celebrate the 75th anniversary. We will also be dedicating a bench in memory Jane Bartke and in honor of her husband Rich Bartke; they were personally instrumental is obtaining the display collection from the Shadi Family.
Follow us on Facebook! For daily posts during the month of December and hundreds of photos, please visit our Facebook page.
Volunteers needed! Please join us to set up the display (December 14th at 9 am) and take it down (December 27th at 9 am)—we can’t do it without you!
7501 Moeser Lane in El Cerrito (near Seaview) El Cerrito, CA
This map puts you in the vicinity of the hillside area where the display is normally set up in December. Street parking is available. Please drive and park carefully around other visitors.
The Sundar Shadi Holiday Display would not be possible without community volunteers. There are figures to be repaired, a wide variety of talent is needed. Can you wield a paintbrush, sew fabric? One hour here or a half day there. Good company and usually good weather.

Every little bit counts!
Generous donors help the display return year after year.
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Cal Alumni Association
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